Nov 20, 2018Gay Games, Paris, Carjackings in St. Louis, and why I needed Le Marais.The experience of photographing the Paris Gay Games was more than the event, but a lesson in exploring your own community and background...
Jun 12, 2018 Oh Hay-ch KWEEN! (the art fair effect)An opening party barrage where galleries display "alternative" work, like male frontal nudity, or Uncle Sam fist fighting a werewolf cake
Feb 13, 2018 Lusting for Nature with Jack PennyIf you want me to critically analyze this and say that it's is as contemporaneously sexy as sliced bread with the crust pre-removed...
May 17, 2017 YOSHITAKA AMANO: DEVA LOKA GENESISAmano's works are flanked by ancient Buddhist sculptures from which Amano drew inspiration. The artifacts pairing themselves to Amano's work
Mar 30, 2017 TOMOKAZU MATSUYAMA: OH MAGIC NIGHTYes, that is a life-size Playmobil figure riding a silver stallion away from its own poo (aka, pretty much what I doodled in the margins...
Feb 22, 2017The Lost ThesisIt wasn't until I dusted off the old hard drive to look for a different, old project that I found this file of half-edited mystery portraits
Jan 23, 2017Neon TigersI've never written a blog post before... Ok, that a lie... I used to keep a blog of very old graphic design projects during my time at...